“Grief is only love” I mention this all the time. Our grief doesn’t get smaller over time, we do, with courage, learn to grow our lives around our grief. In reading some of your posts, it looks like you are doing just that. First time reading on Substack. Not sure if I’m replying in the right space. Thanks for sharing the song.
Hi Winnie. It's good to see you here. Thank you for dropping by and especially for your comment. Yes, you did fine with your reply. I once heard grief described as a stone you carry in your pocket, one that weighs us down. Over time, the stone seems easier to carry, and that we become stronger from carrying it. It's a long road with many twists and turns, hills and valleys. Sometimes it seems all uphill.
Thank you Steve. I was finally able to overcome my printer driver woes and managed to print that image full size on 18x22 watercolour paper. I love it!
Oh, and great news. Kieran's CD arrived in the mail. Indeed, the songs have found those parts of me they were meant to. A brilliant album. Thank You so much.
I read in the comments that some folks had some options, so I'm glad that got sorted. Printer drivers can be confounding things. My HP air printer, which sits in a room a staircase away from my computer, constantly turns off the ability for me to scan to my computer; it's great for getting extra stair-steps in! If I did a lot of printing I'd look for a setup like yours as the cartridges are atrociously priced.
You are most welcome, John. I'm so glad that the CD got to you, and that it resonates. I will share your kind comments with Kieran; he'll be pleased.
Infinite variables come in to play when producing prints (and there will be endless tweaking I am sure) but you are on the way to find the best method to bring your photographs into the real world with tangible prints. Congratulations on the new printer and getting started with this project!
Thank You Diana. And yes, Tom's print looks great. I can actually see it from the back of the house, through the kitchen and looking through two doorways. About 30 feet in all. It's interesting because the arrow points up, but also to the left to the front door. In a way it is connecting me with the outside world, or perhaps reminding me not to become too insulated. It's interesting how the placement of a print can bring new or additional meaning to it.
That's so beautiful John! The way the print works in your space is incredible and the relationship that you have with it as a result of its placement means it has taken on a new life precisely because you put it on that particular wall. Had a really interesting conversation with some musicians last year about how the work exists at the meeting point between the artist and the audience, how when the work is most successful it is a collaboration, a give and take of energy. This photograph is, in a similar way, out there away from Tom's camera but being interpreted by you as it exists on your wall. It's so cool!
My photograph looks good there John, thanks for sharing! Regarding your Epson problems, do you have Photoshop? I have never once used any printer-provided software like Epson Print Layout. I typically export the image full-resolution from Lightroom, upsize if necessary using PhotoZoom (not essential, Photoshop does a good enough job), resize/crop with more precision in Photoshop, expand the canvas to match the paper size you want to print on, then print from Photoshop (ensuring to get all the settings right of course). That's it in a nutshell but send me a DM if you want to talk settings.
Oh wow Tom. Yes, I do have Photoshop, and would prefer to use it over anything else if I can. I do everything in Photoshop and Camera Raw, so you're talking my language, but I'm not sure about the print settings. Tom, I think you are going to be a life saver here. I will DM you.
Great prints John! I can see you will be having lots of fun with that new Epson, as we discussed previously. Have you contacted Epson to ask them for advice on the larger paper issue? In the years I have sued Epson I found their customer support to be great.
Epson was able to help me out with this. We deleted and reinstalled the driver to get everything working. Looks like the Mac OS automatically chose the wrong printer first time around. Everything working grand now.
yer post is a feast .. will get back to ya.. but will say this ..
‘printing to the media’ was everything I dreamed of .. with my 1st & only Epson .. a dopamine level ‘ride & damned if i recall - all who scooped its outputs .. but those prints went somewhere !
Richard Cortes & i ‘punished it & other printers with ‘papers.. ‘fabrics we were certain could survive & ‘take an imprint .. & were early into space age ‘Archival’ ! Yes archival lamination on Fire Department ‘spec ‘Backing / Mountable Surfaces - easily ‘hung aka ‘affixed via velcro - or double side be real sticky forever .. or even a simple little ‘finishing nail driven through a bit of tape into a vertical surface .. no glass - no frame - after all - ‘printing Your File with a black or chrome bordered ‘canvas that has ‘the Shot / Image embedded within.. I loved it too for how it printed from ‘layout & desktop publishing applications - ‘perceived resolution’ was my ‘mantra - ‘be iconic .. 🦎🏴☠️💋
Thank You CA. If you can spare an hour, twenty, it's worth watching the whole Print Shop interview/performance. I think you will love it. There's even some lap steel in there.
LOL - I'm getting to know you my friend. If you want the show without the drums and bass, here's an evening of Stephen accompanied just by the lapsteel. Haven't heard that yet, but I've just added it to the day's agenda. The Print Shop interview is good though, so don't miss it.
I have seen him in concert about 6 times and he is better live than recorded. He often has Kevin Breit performing with him. Mysticippi Blues. I actually partied with him once as the only accessible entrance to where he was performing ended up in the green room. Very interesting chap.
“Grief is only love” I mention this all the time. Our grief doesn’t get smaller over time, we do, with courage, learn to grow our lives around our grief. In reading some of your posts, it looks like you are doing just that. First time reading on Substack. Not sure if I’m replying in the right space. Thanks for sharing the song.
Hi Winnie. It's good to see you here. Thank you for dropping by and especially for your comment. Yes, you did fine with your reply. I once heard grief described as a stone you carry in your pocket, one that weighs us down. Over time, the stone seems easier to carry, and that we become stronger from carrying it. It's a long road with many twists and turns, hills and valleys. Sometimes it seems all uphill.
I think it must be that love grows over time. Love endures all things.
Perhaps grief is like a muscle. It gets stronger when exercised.
The detail from that 1904 gate photo is incredible, even looking at it online. An exciting new journey!
Thank you Steve. I was finally able to overcome my printer driver woes and managed to print that image full size on 18x22 watercolour paper. I love it!
Oh, and great news. Kieran's CD arrived in the mail. Indeed, the songs have found those parts of me they were meant to. A brilliant album. Thank You so much.
I read in the comments that some folks had some options, so I'm glad that got sorted. Printer drivers can be confounding things. My HP air printer, which sits in a room a staircase away from my computer, constantly turns off the ability for me to scan to my computer; it's great for getting extra stair-steps in! If I did a lot of printing I'd look for a setup like yours as the cartridges are atrociously priced.
You are most welcome, John. I'm so glad that the CD got to you, and that it resonates. I will share your kind comments with Kieran; he'll be pleased.
Infinite variables come in to play when producing prints (and there will be endless tweaking I am sure) but you are on the way to find the best method to bring your photographs into the real world with tangible prints. Congratulations on the new printer and getting started with this project!
p.s. love seeing Tom's print on your wall!
Thank You Diana. And yes, Tom's print looks great. I can actually see it from the back of the house, through the kitchen and looking through two doorways. About 30 feet in all. It's interesting because the arrow points up, but also to the left to the front door. In a way it is connecting me with the outside world, or perhaps reminding me not to become too insulated. It's interesting how the placement of a print can bring new or additional meaning to it.
That's so beautiful John! The way the print works in your space is incredible and the relationship that you have with it as a result of its placement means it has taken on a new life precisely because you put it on that particular wall. Had a really interesting conversation with some musicians last year about how the work exists at the meeting point between the artist and the audience, how when the work is most successful it is a collaboration, a give and take of energy. This photograph is, in a similar way, out there away from Tom's camera but being interpreted by you as it exists on your wall. It's so cool!
My photograph looks good there John, thanks for sharing! Regarding your Epson problems, do you have Photoshop? I have never once used any printer-provided software like Epson Print Layout. I typically export the image full-resolution from Lightroom, upsize if necessary using PhotoZoom (not essential, Photoshop does a good enough job), resize/crop with more precision in Photoshop, expand the canvas to match the paper size you want to print on, then print from Photoshop (ensuring to get all the settings right of course). That's it in a nutshell but send me a DM if you want to talk settings.
I was going to say the same thing, I use Affinity, but same thing.
Oh wow Tom. Yes, I do have Photoshop, and would prefer to use it over anything else if I can. I do everything in Photoshop and Camera Raw, so you're talking my language, but I'm not sure about the print settings. Tom, I think you are going to be a life saver here. I will DM you.
Looks like you are off to a great start with the new printer John!
Yup, lovin it.
Great prints John! I can see you will be having lots of fun with that new Epson, as we discussed previously. Have you contacted Epson to ask them for advice on the larger paper issue? In the years I have sued Epson I found their customer support to be great.
Epson was able to help me out with this. We deleted and reinstalled the driver to get everything working. Looks like the Mac OS automatically chose the wrong printer first time around. Everything working grand now.
That is great news John! I am so glad it is was an easy fix!
The hard part was navigating the help line.
Thanks Pamela. I haven't yet because of the holidays. I will give that a try this week and see what they have to say.
yer post is a feast .. will get back to ya.. but will say this ..
‘printing to the media’ was everything I dreamed of .. with my 1st & only Epson .. a dopamine level ‘ride & damned if i recall - all who scooped its outputs .. but those prints went somewhere !
Richard Cortes & i ‘punished it & other printers with ‘papers.. ‘fabrics we were certain could survive & ‘take an imprint .. & were early into space age ‘Archival’ ! Yes archival lamination on Fire Department ‘spec ‘Backing / Mountable Surfaces - easily ‘hung aka ‘affixed via velcro - or double side be real sticky forever .. or even a simple little ‘finishing nail driven through a bit of tape into a vertical surface .. no glass - no frame - after all - ‘printing Your File with a black or chrome bordered ‘canvas that has ‘the Shot / Image embedded within.. I loved it too for how it printed from ‘layout & desktop publishing applications - ‘perceived resolution’ was my ‘mantra - ‘be iconic .. 🦎🏴☠️💋
Wow, there's a lot in that. Talk about a feast. I patiently await more thoughts from the bridge...
Beautiful song💗 I love those prints…that printer is fantastic!!!
Thank You CA. If you can spare an hour, twenty, it's worth watching the whole Print Shop interview/performance. I think you will love it. There's even some lap steel in there.
You had me at Lapsteel lol.
LOL - I'm getting to know you my friend. If you want the show without the drums and bass, here's an evening of Stephen accompanied just by the lapsteel. Haven't heard that yet, but I've just added it to the day's agenda. The Print Shop interview is good though, so don't miss it.
The intro music reminds me a bit of Harry Manx…a favourite of mine.
I'm watching it now. He just played Billy, another killer track. Man this guy...
I have seen him in concert about 6 times and he is better live than recorded. He often has Kevin Breit performing with him. Mysticippi Blues. I actually partied with him once as the only accessible entrance to where he was performing ended up in the green room. Very interesting chap.